Thursday, December 20, 2007

oh brother

Last week as planned I ended up going to "Incest: A Love Story" at Oxenrose Salon. Obviously it was entertaining.
There's just something about incest that really draws a crowd. Taboos always have this centrifugal force that draws you to even the most ridiculous and gross stuff. And although I would rather drink someones blood than hook up with my brother (or my cousin), you've got to admit there's something kinda hot about it. Especially when the people are as cute as Frankie Norstad and her boyfriend/cousin/whatever.
Amazingly, not everyone shares my opinion. Norstad's show spurred me to ask my friends and coworkers whether they would ever hook up with a cousin and I was impressed to hear that a lot of people are totally FINE with hooking up with second cousins. Not that I even understand what a third cousin is, but I wouldn't even deal with a fifth cousin.
But maybe I'm being prude. Jerry Lee Lewis, Franklin Roosevelt, Rudy Guiliani, and Albert Einstein all totally married cousins. And, you know, Einstein was pretty smart. And Jerry Lee Lewis is pretty cool.

I also found this map of the USA's incest legality
Looks like all cool states are in.

Frankie Norstad was egalitarian in her show about the real truth. She posed two stories. One was that she and her boyfriend met, looked remarkably alike, went to a specialist and found out that they in fact, were not related.
The second story, I believe, was a torrid love story about an orphaned woman discovering her family too late in life only to meet a man who would become her fuel and life source. The lovers overlook painful scrutiny of their bond of blood and focus on how lucky they are to find someone, ahem, cut from the same cloth.
I don't care who you are or what you think is right or wrong, because you totally want the true story to be the latter.
No brainer.

Jen Snyder


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